Quincy University’s Kappa Lambda Rho chapter of the Lambda Pi Eta national communication honor society recently recognized graduates and a new member.

Graduation honor cords were presented to two Kappa Lambda Rho seniors: Ashley Zimmerman of Quincy and Taryn Sargent of Huntley, Ill. Zimmerman and Sargent are co-presidents of Kappa Lambda Rho.

One QU Communications junior was inducted as a new member of Kappa Lambda Rho: Wesley Shelor of Plymouth, Ill.

“Graduates are eligible to wear red and white honor cords at Commencement in recognition of their accomplishments in the major” said Barbara Schleppenbach, PhD, associate professor of communication. “Students invited to membership have qualified through high levels of scholarship, and they are all campus leaders as well.”

Since 2005, the QU Communications department has maintained the Kappa Lambda Rho chapter membership in Lambda Pi Eta, the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Honor Society. “Our chapter, Kappa Lambda Rho, is named in honor of St. Clare, who with St. Francis, is a patron of QU,” said Schleppenbach.

Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University is a small Catholic university emphasizing the sciences, liberal arts and the professions. Quincy University offers undergraduate, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit bwi.love365cn.com or contact the Office of Community Relations at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@love365cn.com. Quincy University. Success by Design.